This page is for images

This is my first image. This one is the most recent out of all of them on this page, at least so far. This one, if it doesn't load, is of a setting candle I made for work. I don't want to sound too conceited or proud, but it's one of my favorites! It smells awesome. It smells like a real piece of banana bread, I don't know why every banana bread candle smells horrible and like banana candy, but I've managed to break the curse.

We (my boss, I mean. I only helped a little bit) hosted a candle making class at a local winery. Tons and tons of fun, but the night we held the class it was like 85 degrees outside. We were holding the class inside one of the barns on site, and that thing didn't have any air conditioning. Thought I was going to die. Candles all turned out great, though!

These are the first six scents of my line, pre-labels (except for the two in the back). It looks like a few of them are already set in this image. I enjoy the process of mixing each candle individually and hand pouring them! While it is time-consuming, I think you get a more personalized product. Although, hand-pouring everything sucks at times because it is reflected in the price. Most unfortunately.
I might add more images after a while, but I think these ones reflect where I am right now.