Welcome to my project!
Here is some information that might help.
This page was made for one of my classes, so it might look a little amateur-ish, I hope that's alright. While there are many options available to create a webpage with HTML, I felt that neocities was the most user-friendly. For example, most web pages can be hosted for free until you reach a certain size of data stored on their server. At least, that's how I understand it. Secondly, I find that neocities let's you play around and learn code in a low-stakes environment.

Here are the (heavily-editted-down) instructions for this project..."Create a Web page using the following HTML tags: basic tags (head, body, title), insert an image, create a link, table tags, ordered and unordered list"
I do already have a background with HTML, having used tumblr about a decade ago, but I've lost most of that knowledge, unfortunately. I think that HTML and going out of your way to code a webpage makes it look more personalized and intuitive to your audience, but the drag-and-drop method is still one of my favorite innovations in website building. As user-friendly as HTML is, it still trips me up, so I can't imagine the general public will intuitively understand what all of these slashes and letters mean. On the editting and coding side of things, that is.
The sidebar has my previous projects for this class.

(づ ◕‿◕ )づIncluded on this website(◐ω◑ )
Hello cyberspace. On this website I've included a blog that will host some images, some information about myself, and whatever else I want. (Because it's my blog) I also have an images page, which may or may not have images; lastly, there will be a boomerang page! I hope this explanation helps. I was originally going to put a marquis above everything, but I figured I needed to put the description for the assignment somewhere (sad face).
(´ε` )♡About the author:
Hi everyone. Thanks for reading all of this. Here are some brief facts about me. I am currently working towards a bachelor degree in mortuary sciences to become an embalmer. Currently, because I am, of course, not licenced to embalm anyone, I am working at a candle shop. I've become pretty passionate about candles since starting, and I've been able to create my own line of candle. I'm sure you're thinking of some big chain candle store, that would be nice! However, I work at a one-of-a-kind local candle retailer where a few brands are made in store. I think I have been very lucky to have this opportunity, and while it is boring at times, I wouldn't want to work anywhere else while working towards a degree. I have three cats, and don't really like dogs. I have hazel eyes. I have more than five turtlenecks. I own a trapper keeper full of pokemon cards from when I was a kid. I'm sure all of these facts have given you a vivid picture of who I am, right?